Business Intuitive Reading FAQ

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an intuitive?

A: An intuitive (AKA psychic, etc.) is a person with extrasensory perception or a sixth sense who has the ability to predict someone’s future. Stacy Zemon is claircognizant, which means she simply “knows” things because information or images instantly come to her like a movie playing in her mind’s eye. Because Stacy is also a healer, she will send you healing energy during your reading.

Q: What does Stacy “see” in a business intuitive reading?

A: Stacy connects with her celestial support tribe and yours to provide insight and clarity about the likely outcomes of your considerations, choices, timing, and next steps. This includes identifying obstacles and influences that are holding you back, any limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and hidden pitfalls. You’ll also receive clear, specific answers to questions about your company or career delivered in an honest and tactful manner and intended for your highest good.

Q: Is there anything for me to fear about getting a reading?

A: Absolutely not. Because Stacy works only with high-vibrational beings, she will never attempt to lie, manipulate, con, hypnotize, put a spell on, or take away your personal power in any way.

Q: How long is a reading?

A: You can choose a 15-, 30-, or 60-minute reading.

Q: How often should I get a reading?

A: Whenever you have a pressing question, decision, or issue of concern for which intuitive guidance would be helpful. Naturally, the more questions you have and issues you want to address, the more readings will benefit you. You may also find it useful to get a monthly “check-up” to help your enterprise stay on course.

Q: Where do readings take place?

A: In order to make coaching as convenient as possible for you, intuitive readings can be held in the comfort of your office or home. They can take place over the phone or on Zoom (recommended), where a video recording can be made and sent to you if desired. If you do so, Stacy will send you MP4 videos after each session through Dropbox. This is a free app you can download onto your laptop, PC, tablet, or mobile device. It is your responsibility to make sure that your webcam, microphone, and Internet connection are working properly. By requesting a recording of your life coaching be sent to you, you agree not to distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display, or create derivative works from it in any way.

Q: How do I prepare for my reading?

A: It is best to have a list of specific questions and to ask them in order of their importance to you. Make sure to ask open-ended questions—not those that can only be answered with a “yes” or “no”. It is a good idea to spend some time before your reading to let go of what is happening in your day, relax, open up, and focus on your questions. If you are so inclined, pray or meditate about the guidance you are seeking and ask God, the Higher Power of your understanding, or your celestial support tribe to be with you during the reading. It is important to arrive on time, or even a few minutes early. Be sure you are in a quiet place that is free from distractions.

Q: Are distance readings as accurate as those held in person?

A: Yes! They are every bit as powerful and accurate because the information Stacy channels from her celestial support tribe is spiritual energy that is not limited by her physical proximity to you.

Q: What is Stacy’s experience and education?

A: Stacy Zemon is a gifted intuitive known for her accuracy in predicting the future. She is also a holistic practitioner and lightworker who helps other entrepreneurs achieve success. Stacy has given hundreds of readings to clients from many backgrounds, walks of life, and locations around the world. Her educational degrees include doctorates in metaphysics and divinity, an associate degree in applied science and addiction counseling, and life coaching and ministerial credentials.

Q: Is everything I discuss with her confidential?

A: Whatever is discussed during your reading is kept strictly confidential. Stacy will never use your name or any of the information you share with anyone without your express written permission.

Q: What are the payment options?

A: Payments can be made by credit card, debit card, Venmo, or PayPal.

Q: Is there anything else that is important for me to know?

A: Yes. Please read the Intuitive Reading Terms & Conditions to make sure you understand and agree with them before purchasing services.