Stacy Zemon


A woman of vision, purpose, and heart, Stacy Zemon alchemizes a unique blend of finely honed skills, intuitive gifts, and spiritual guidance into helping people further awaken, evolve, and transform their lives for the better.

As Chief Enlightenment Officer at Open Lotus Productions, she provides high-vibe, celestially connected, and powerfully transformative signature sacred services that are available worldwide by phone or on Zoom video. Stacy also facilitates a variety of consciousness-raising events.

Her services include life coaching, soul guidance, spiritual mentoring, energy healing, and intuitive readings for individuals, as well as success consulting, magnetic marketing, and business intuitive readings for holistic practitioners and lightworkers.

Stacy’s story is one of survival, courage, perseverance, and triumph over adversity. Born into a dysfunctional family and a child of divorce, she endured frequent emotional abuse and neglect from her stepfather and alcoholic father, from whom Stacy was not protected.

This caused her to feel so unloved, traumatized, and depressed that she often thought about ending her life to escape these feelings. It simultaneously gave rise to a quest for understanding, healing, and happiness that began in Stacy’s mid-teens due to a fervent belief in God and unstoppable inner strength.

Low self-esteem fostered many unhealthy choices throughout her 20s. Despite also experiencing sexual assault and sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace, she didn’t give up.

Stacy spent many years reading self-help books, attending counseling and personal growth trainings, and developing spiritual practices. By gaining knowledge and insight and doing major inner work, she received much-needed answers and healing. These efforts also expanded Stacy’s consciousness and led to a profound inner metamorphosis.

Today, her life is filled with great awareness, meaning, and purpose. Stacy continues to focus on her spiritual connection, conscious evolution, self-actualization, and loving herself and others every day.

Stacy’s educational credentials include honorary doctorate degrees in metaphysics and divinity, ministerial licensure, associate degrees in applied science and addiction counseling, and life coaching certification. She has passed the written exam for Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) certification.

Stacy has graduated from numerous personal development programs, including Landmark Education’s Forum, Self-Expression & Leadership, and Beyond Fitness; LifeSpring; The Silva Method; and Insight. She has also attended stress management, neuro-linguistic programming, crystal healing, and biofeedback techniques trainings.

The professional development trainings Stacy has attended include Stephen Covey’s First Things First for Managers and Padgett-Thompson’s Knock Your Socks Off Customer Service.

Dramatic career transitions have reflected Stacy’s personal evolution. Prior to starting Open Lotus Productions and providing signature sacred services, she distinguished herself in the fields of magic, television, radio, DJ entertainment, addiction counseling, and teaching.

Stacy became a professional magician when she was only 12 years old, performing at children’s birthday parties, public events, and on television as Mysteria the Magician.

During the summers of her late teens, Stacy worked as the assistant social director at a major resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. There, she ran contests and games and taught dance lessons to vacationers. Stacy also helped produce special event weekends with national music and magic acts.

As an adult, she worked in a variety of radio and television on-air, production, and management capacities and became a mobile DJ entertainer who specialized in weddings. Stacy also taught the fundamentals of radio broadcasting at a company in Philadelphia and the history of mass media at a college in Connecticut as an adjunct instructor.

At the height of her success, when DJ Times magazine described Stacy as “a veteran of the industry who has contributed much to its evolution,” she had a spiritual awakening that inspired her to entirely change her career focus. Today, Stacy embodies love in action through her company, Open Lotus Productions.

Stacy has touched the lives of millions as a soul-stirring speaker, radio show host, media guest, bestselling author, and event producer. She has been a guest on a myriad of radio shows, podcasts, and TV programs and has been featured in national publications.

Stacy has also interviewed and worked alongside numerous spiritual luminaries, thought leaders, and influencers and produced the largest mind-body-spirit event in New Jersey.

She authored four world-bestselling books on professionalism for mobile disc jockeys, pioneered a new business model between the radio and mobile DJ industries, received artist endorsements from pro audio, lighting, and music manufacturers, and is a two-time New England regional Emmy Award-winning associate television producer.

Stacy is also a social activist who has been honored with awards and distinctions for her volunteer contributions, producing special event fundraisers for several charitable and nonprofit organizations.

She was invited to be a distinguished member of the Evolutionary Business Council, which is a global organization of high-level influencers and thought leaders.

“During this unprecedented time of rapid change and spiritual awakening in the world, humanity is undergoing a fundamental transformation. It will accelerate to a tipping point where a new paradigm based on love rather than fear becomes reality. This is The Human Evolution Revolution.”

“We all live in a magical location in space and time somewhere between Possibility Parkway, Awaken Avenue, Evolve Expressway, and Transformation Terrace. Increased awareness, a shift in consciousness, and a clear vision of the path ahead are required to successfully navigate between one place and the next.”

“The secret to success is to be the visionary and actionary of your own life. Clearly envision all that you desire, believe it is already yours, and deeply feel the joy of receiving it. Take the actions necessary for achievement and ask for assistance with what you need. Then let it go and leave the rest up to the universe. When you vibrate in harmony with what you desire, those things will naturally flow into your experience.”

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary possibility, your consciousness expands, dormant faculties come alive, and answers and solutions are magically revealed. You will know you are on the right path when a series of naturally occurring and meaningful coincidences begin to happen, as if the universe is conspiring to assist you.”

1. is a huge animal lover and lives in New Jersey with her rescue fur baby companion Luke (the cat).
2. invented the word holisticpreneur (holistic + entrepreneur).
3. has meditated in the vortexes of Sedona, AZ, and participated in a sacred plant medicine ceremony.
4. at age 12, became the youngest and only female member of the Society of American Magicians.
5. attended an international conference on racial justice and reconciliation at a peace palace in Caux, Switzerland.
6. loves to create beatmixes of music from the 70’s-90’s. They’re really quite good 🙂
7. did modeling in her 20’s and has acted in dinner theater and on television.
8. designed this website and many of the images on it. She enjoys making digital art as well.
9. marched on Washington for lesbian, gay, and bisexual equal rights and liberation.
10. attended the first-ever Star Trek convention, met most of the original series cast, interviewed show creator Gene Roddenberry, and was the official Star Trek correspondent to a local radio station in Hartford, CT when she was 16.