Business Success Consulting FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions from clients

Q: What is a business success consultant?

A: This is someone who works closely with business owners to define goals and how to reach them, improve their operations, address obstacles and issues, and more. A success consultant can help you with almost any problem or need your business may have. Sometimes, owners can be “too close” to their own business and miss issues or opportunities that an outside perspective can see right away. Stacy has significant specific expertise working with holistic practitioners, businesses, and lightworkers.

Q: What types of companies does Stacy work with?

A: She works exclusively with holistic practitioners, businesses, and lightworkers.

Q: What geographic areas does Stacy serve?

A: Her services are available worldwide through Zoom video conferencing and by phone.

Q: Why would I need a business success consultant?

A: If you want to grow a thriving, financially prosperous, and sustainable enterprise, professional advice and guidance can be a crucial. The road to reaching your next level isn’t always clear and laid out. Stacy can help you find solutions to ongoing problems or identify potential hurdles on your path forward.

Q: How can I afford to hire a success consultant if I am already struggling financially?

A: How can you afford not to? Business challenges do not magically go away by themselves. That’s why Stacy offers a complimentary, no-obligation Discovery Call for you to determine if working with her is a viable, cost-effective solution for you and whether you feel she is a good fit for you and your company.

Q: Does Stacy work with start-ups?

A: Yes. If you’re an entrepreneur developing a holistic or lightworker business, identifying your target market(s), defining your brand, setting up your business operations, and strategizing your company launch, then Stacy can bring significant expertise and impact to your start-up.

Q: How often will I meet with Stacy?

A: Success consulting takes place on mutually convenient dates and times and can be scheduled weekly, every two weeks, or monthly (your choice). Greater frequency yields the biggest returns in terms of change.

Q: How long is each consultation?

A: Sessions are 60 minutes long.

Q: Where does success consulting take place?

A: In order to make sessions as convenient as possible for you, they can be held over the phone or on Zoom (recommended) from the comfort of your office or home.

Q: Can sessions be recorded?

A: Yes, if you request having them on Zoom and ask for them to be recorded. If you do so, Stacy will send you MP4 videos after each session through Dropbox. This is a free app you can download onto your laptop, PC, tablet, or mobile device. It is your responsibility to make sure that your webcam, microphone, and Internet connection are working properly. By requesting that a recording of your success consulting be sent to you, you agree not to distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display, or create derivative works from it in any way.

Q: What are Stacy’s credentials?

A: She is a holistic practitioner and lightworker who has started and run several businesses, including the Holistic Business Association. Stacy also authored four world-bestselling books on business, sales, and marketing for a niche market. A wide variety of holisticpreneurs have called upon her business expertise to assist them in growing thriving, profitable, and sustainable enterprises.

Q: How do I prepare for consulting sessions?

A: It is best to have a list of specific topics you want to deal with and for us to address them in order of their importance to you. It is important to arrive on time, or even a few minutes early. Be sure you are in a quiet place that is free from distractions.

Q: Is everything I discuss with Stacy confidential?

A: Whatever is discussed during success consulting is kept strictly confidential. Stacy will never use your name or any of the information you share with anyone without your express written permission.

Q: What are the payment options?

A: Your payment can be made with any major credit card or with a debit card.

Q: Is there anything else that is important for me to know?

A: Yes. Please read the Success Consulting Terms & Conditions to make sure you understand and agree with them before purchasing services.